Gonçalo Marrafa

Results 16 issues of Gonçalo Marrafa

### What did you expect to happen? Expect to use magit without errors. ### What actually happened? Opening magit status or doing some magit operations I get these errors: ```...


Hi. Is it possible to customize the open/close tags for a Javascript region? I'm guessing `web-mode` interprets something inside a `` block as Javascript but I would like to be...


This is the same as #563 because it still doesn't work properly.


If the original `` has an error state (has the `is-invalid` class) the error is not shown on the Select2 element.

It would be great to be able to customize the generated method docblocks. For example the code snippet: ```php public function bar(int $int, bool $bool): array { return [$int, $string,...

In `TranslationServiceProvider` the database driver is chosen like this: ```php $db_driver = config('database.default'); if ($db_driver === 'pgsql') { $translatorRepository = 'Vsch\TranslationManager\Repositories\PostgresTranslatorRepository'; } else { $translatorRepository = 'Vsch\TranslationManager\Repositories\MysqlTranslatorRepository'; } ``` This...

Using `yarn` to install this package i get only version `1.0.0` and not the latest one. $ yarn info select2-bootstrap4-theme will output ``` { name: 'select2-bootstrap4-theme', description: 'A theme for...

Let's say I have two models, `Employee` and `Company` and `Employee` belongsTo `Company`. I want to have a simple datatable listing employees and respective companies. The column definition would be...

In the column visibility and results per page selector, the controls are not using the themed inputs in bootstrap-5 theme. For checkboxes `form-check` class must be added to the wrapper...


I have set up a bigger line height because I like my code to breathe. ``` (setq-local default-text-properties '(line-spacing 0.50 line-height 1.50)) ``` With this config the child frame overlaps...