> 您好,感谢您的工作。我在训练的时候出现了WARNING:root:NaN or Inf found in input tensor.这个问题,训练完之后效果非常差,因为显卡不够只按照您的建议做了如下修改: > batch-size 1 block-inference-size 32 请问效果很差是什么原因造成的呢,期待您的回答。 您好,请问您是怎么设置data-root的?为什么我怎么修改都是找不到路径,我把下载是SIST放在data文件夹里面,然后data-root="data/SIST/indoorDist"
> Re-download the .pth files in the 'ckpt/backbone' can fix the problem Why I met this problem, I just download the codes and never change anything in codes, can you...
您好,我按照作者的步骤来运行train.sh,但是直接就给我报错了, File "main.py", line 98 if resume_epoch and os.path.isfile(os.path.join("ckpt", exp_name, f"train_states_{resume_epoch}.pth")): ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax 这应该是这句话附近哪里符号或者空格之类的有误?下载之后我没有改动过作者的代码,不知道您有没有遇到这个问题,怎么解决?
> I am encountering the same issue. It would be more than helpful if you could release some trained checkpoint model, and provide some instructions on running the trained model...