Gert Jan Kamstra
Gert Jan Kamstra
Yes. Unfortunately I don't expect a solution in the provider anytime soon. So way to solve/workaround it is to make sure the provider tags are not replicated on the tags...
Metrics are actually there, but with the wrong label. I submitted #2321 for the same.
Sample query: `node_cpu_seconds_total{}[5m]` returns `node_cpu_seconds_total{app="prometheus", app_kubernetes_io_managed_by="Helm", chart="prometheus-15.11.0", component="node-exporter", cpu="0", heritage="Helm", instance="", job="kubernetes-service-endpoints", mode="idle", namespace="prometheus", node="", release="prometheus", service="prometheus-node-exporter"}` Lens was expecting kubernetes_node instead of node
For others having the same issue: We switched to the kube-prometheus-stack chart, and now things work fine.
We are also encountering this. I have raised the issue via our Enterprise support plan, and got the following reply: _Our internal team has also noted this feature and are...
We had the same issue. Are you using the official action to install terraform? If so, you need to disable the wrapper: ``` yaml steps: - uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@v2 with: terraform_wrapper:...