
Results 11 comments of givinar

Hi @BartSiwek, I'm unable to reproduce the problem at the moment. Could you explain some of the points? First of all, how do you get the resource memory pointer for...

Hi @BartSiwek May I ask you to send me some traces? To do this, you need to set your environment variables (RIF_TRACING_ENABLE to 1 and RIF_TRACING_PATH to ${SAVE_PATH}) ![image]( After...

Hi, We can change the backend depending on the API. This can cause different behaviors and different results. Therefore, I asked you to send traces. Could you upload traces to...

Hi, Thanks for the traces. I mean the backend might change depending on the API rifContextCreateImage or rifContextCreateImageFromDirectX12Memory. Enabling tracing does not affect this.

Hi @BartSiwek, I found some issues in the traces. 1) When you create an image description (rif_image_desc), you are not initializing it properly. Row pitch and slide pitch are random...

Hi @BartSiwek As I can see in the trace log (DX12Backend) the row and slice values seem to be random numbers. API call: RIF_CALL(rifContextCreateImageFromDirectX12Memory((rif_context)(context_0), AsPtr((uint32_t)(1962), (uint32_t)(1270), (uint32_t)(1), (uint32_t)(31392), (uint32_t)(39867840), (uint32_t)(4),...

Hi @BartSiwek, Sorry for wait. `[DEBUG@RIF]: rifContextCreateImageFromDirectX12Memory called (with args: context=0x16fb405df00 image_desc={width=982 height=634 depth=1 row_pitch=15872 slice_pitch=10062848 num_components=4 type=RIF_COMPONENT_TYPE_FLOAT32} mem=0x16f0090c270) [ERROR@RIF]: GPU memory object is too small (required 10062848 bytes, allocated...

Hi @BartSiwek, I've added a print debug message based on HRESULT for CreateComputePipelineState. Perhaps we can get more information. This error is not related to the RIF itself. Let's...

Hi @BartSiwek, `D3D12 ERROR: ID3D12Device::CreateComputeShader: Compute Shader is unsigned. [ STATE_CREATION ERROR #322: CREATECOMPUTESHADER_INVALIDSHADERBYTECODE]` Also, this error is the reason for the absence of the dxcompiler library or its incorrect...