After sprinkling some debugging code, I found out that the block: ``` ruby cannot(:destroy, Course) { |c| puts "LOCKED? #{c.locked?.inspect}"; c.locked? } ``` gets executed both during the show action,...
@tundal45, unlike the index action, the first line in the destroy action does instantiate an actual `@course` object, so I remain at loss as to why the block is not...
@tundal45, I have put together a skeleton rails app that shows the behavior: As it's written now, deleting an "unlocked" course will raise the error, in spite of the...
BTW, I do not have permission to reopen the issue...
Could you provide a jpeg/pdf sample form of what you have in mind? What you suggest sounds like a reasonable thing to do, in principle. Thanks! Giuseppe
Sorry, I must be looking at the wrong place, is there an attachment somewhere? --G
Hello João, thanks for your question and comment! Have you tried to simply add `gem 'mork'` to your Gemfile?