@hyoklee I am curious about `ID_VIEW_MENU_GRAPH`: What will it display? How will it be different from `ID_VIEW_MENU_TREE`?
@kyang2014 After this, you could try to fix this issue.
@jreadey and @andrewcollette : I thought to two different approaches to this enhancement: 1. **Modify the `Store` class** by adding something like an `active` abstract property to the `Store` in...
I thought that was generally accepted as enhancement since it has been listed for a while in If this list is not commonly accepted, it becomes quite confusing...
@andrewcollette The overall structure of this project is so wonderful and elegant thank to you! Without discovering it, I would have surely ended up by doing something clunkier on my...
> I agree with @andrewcollette that a system to enable/disable plugins seems overly complex. To deal with the multiple plugins can handle the same file issue - would it be...
> For the manual override, I notice on Windows at least the File Open Dialog has a dropdown button (with the "Open" label). Can that be modified to invoke a...
Do you propose to add a "Reopen As..." menu in the just created `ContainerFrame`? Or in the already open `InitFrame`?
> To clarify - it exits even if you run it from command prompt (so you can see its output even after it exits), or are you running it by...
Just tested. The outputs do NOT differ between unfrozen and frozen program. Additional information: before updating the drivers of the integrated graphics, I tested that setting the preferred graphics processor...