Thanks! Can you confirm that there is no way to get the QtAwesome icons without loading those fonts? CC: @lachlanhurst
Interesting! It seems something that could be done/checked at the app initialization. What do you mean with 'install those fonts'? Copying them? How to then ask QTAwesome to search in...
@jswhit Do you have thoughts on a caching solution?
My use-case is of the first-kind: a Python-based application needs to retrieve data from a model that changes once a day. I was wondering whether I could take advantage of...
Actually, it is also never populated.
Fixed in [py3]( branch:
> I'd leave out #66 (Tree View) from the release target. Implementing is not easy and I'm not entirely sold on its usefulness. @jreadey : can you explain what was...
@hyoklee From my understanding, wx provides a 'native' way to display a tree, not a graph. This is the reason of the slowing down of the ticket resolution. I remember...
@kyang2014 Can I access such a document? If yes, where is it?
I use PyCharm and