Kasra Bigdeli
Kasra Bigdeli
Simply rotate the device while showing the tooltip and observe the tooltip position will be wrong after orientation change.
Self explanatory. I am unsure where [details.php](https://github.com/splitbrain/dokuwiki/blob/master/lib/tpl/dokuwiki/detail.php#L44) is being used. But if it's used for the same format, we'll have to apply the same modification there too.
See here for the context: https://github.com/caprover/caprover/issues/1181 TLDR: currently the appToken based deployment aren't able to fetch the build logs. In some cases, it is useful to fetch the build logs...
Currently certbot commands are built-in. Allowing an override would be helpful as it allows for different methods of domain verification such as DNS.
NetData now has an official Docker image. Change the image to netdata/netdata More details: https://github.com/netdata/netdata/tree/master/packaging/docker
**Do you know if there is any official Docker image for the app?** https://webassets.mongodb.com/com-download-center/charts/charts-docker-swarm-19.12.2.yml https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/charts https://docs.mongodb.com/charts/current/installation/ https://gist.github.com/Tallic/9486fb03a1425398be3091f320d23a06
OpenVPN or perhaps better: PiVPN https://github.com/ljishen/pivpn-docker https://www.reddit.com/r/docker/comments/9k0225/how_can_i_create_a_container_to_run_pivpn/ https://github.com/kylemanna/docker-openvpn https://github.com/angristan/openvpn-install
There are lots of PRs that are opened, but either they stayed in the draft stage for a long time, or there are open comments on them that aren't addressed...
Fix: https://github.com/caprover/caprover/issues/457
Full discussion thread here: https://github.com/caprover/caprover-cli/issues/55#issuecomment-645252252 Steps to repro: - Create a brand new server - Install CapRover on the server - Run caprover serversetup on your local machine and setup...