I have the same problem.
I have the same problem.
> version: `0.5.6` > > I haven't been able to send a read-only call transaction, only getting `IOErrors` related to the name of the tx params. btw I'm trying to...
I have a similar problem my network is [fuji test](https://testnet.snowtrace.io/address/0x4a67680683b27F55006Cfab73Ac9F7CECf8A99B6) run: ``` cli.transact_and_wait(contract, 'setGreeting', '123') ``` error: ``` /Users/sai/.rvm/gems/ruby-3.0.3/gems/eth-0.5.6/lib/eth/client.rb:469:in `send_command': the method eth_sendTransaction is not available (IOError) ```
Really hope there is stable Ruby version for ETH operations
such as: name and duration params ``` server.post("/worker/sendDot", async (request, reply) => { let { name, to, duration } = request.body const keyring = new Keyring({ type: 'sr25519' }); const...
> 基板没有外部随机属性的概念。最好你可以发送一个带有转移和备注的批次。 I see a issue: https://github.com/polkadot-js/api/issues/3363 So I try: ``` const txHash = api.tx.utility.batchAll([ api.tx.balances.transfer(to, price), api.tx.system.remark([name, duration]) ]).signAndSend(alice) ``` use `batch` or `batchAll` is error: ``` Cannot read...
I try: ``` const hash = await Promise.all([ api.tx.balances.transfer(polkaPnsAddr, amount * 1e10).signAndSend(alice), api.tx.system.remark('i am a remark') ]) ``` is ok