
Results 12 comments of gitbugged

@ReichKV you're certainly not the only one, I just encountered the same bug. This is also a blocker for qBittorrent implementing it. With the death of Net Neutrality and more...

[Possibly related]( > I2P developers told me that the implementation of SAM control protocol in the official libtorrent is not complete. The b32 announce protocol was not implemented, and only...

Very interested in getting DHT, but in the interim with trackers getting blocked and dropped, maybe you could add more trackers?

> The other main problem is to make it any usefull we have to pack it with ZeroNet, i'm not sure if its possible with java applications. You can use...

@PeterSurda thanks for signing! I was able to get the .asc files for the binaries for v0.6.3.2 from the releases page. I was kind of confused, because the website is...

It can be closed, I would just recommend putting the signature on the wiki page as it's the first thing people see. Helps people find it easier. Adjusted wiki code:...

Also if it's not too much to ask, the source (.tar.gz) file is unsigned. This would need to be signed as well for Arch Linux to include a sig check...

Would be nice if searx would setup a roundrobin instance to avoid centralization. In any case, I use, since it uses DDG through Searx.

I think what you did was perfectly fine. Mozilla is the one trolling us at this point. Is there any way you can get the legacy addon(s) included into the...

The intention is not to split off from the network, but to connect through the I2P network exclusively in order to reach the rest of the network. To that end,...