This is a vCard contact: ``` BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:4.0 N:Doe;John;;Dr.; FN:Dr. John Doe TEL;TYPE=home,voice;VALUE=uri:tel:+01-234-56789 EMAIL:[email protected] UID:urn:uuid:{{JOHN_DOE_UID}} END:VCARD ``` This is a vCard group: ``` BEGIN:VCARD N:Friends FN:Friends KIND:group MEMBER:urn:uuid:{{JOHN_DOE_UID}} MEMBER:urn:uuid:{{ANOTHER_MEMBER_UID}} MEMBER:urn:uuid:{{ANOTHER_MEMBER_UID}}...
This idea has a good intention, but raises questions: Shouldn't a device that is lost be regarded as `tampered with`? How can the anonymity of both the owner and the...
There's already an issue regarding markdown: - closed, because nobody seems to care.
I made a similar suggestion here: Grouping items beyond categories would really enhance usability. Favorites are not a feasible alternative, because they are favorites (for quick access), not groups...
After further research, accessing filters doesn't seem to be possible currently, but will be added in future. As an alternative, one could allow the manual creation of filters directly in...
@taooceros What do you think about implementing the manual creation of filters directly in FlowLauncher, as suggested above? Pardon me, if that belongs in a separate issue.
> @gisturbance i think you can just concat the filter to your query. Either use a shortcut or a special keystroke shall not be bad. Indeed an alternative. For some...
> Sorry could you restate the proposal? It's not clear to me about the meaning of positionally independent Example: Hotkey for Everything search plugin: `€` CQS `🎵` with the expansion...
@deefrawley Using the methods you suggested, a default filter would still be missing, though one could use a different keyboard combination as a workaround for that. ~For whatever reason, the...
> Use the at symbol after the search query to invoke That's what I've always been using, though writing the `@` isn't quite appealing, even if you can combine it...