Girish Chandrashekar

Results 10 issues of Girish Chandrashekar

# One-line summary Integrate Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to allow scaling EDS using [ScalingSchedule]( custom resource. ## Description This pr development focusses on using the a scaling schedule or a cluster... introduced seekToBeginning but this task executes before any partitions get assigned to the subscription.

**Goals:** - resolves #5155 - [x] Integrate OpenTelemetry API and SDK. - [ ] Provide environment variable configurations to enable tracking when required. Use console exporter for now. - [x]...


**Describe the feature** Improve observability using [OpenTelemetry]( and the available sdk implementations to - enable tracing of requests - standardize the already available prometheus metrics collection - API is need...

**Describe the feature** The ETL pattern is popular currently due to the availability of various platforms that generate data, transform the data and then load the data into the required...

**Describe the feature** The current k8s yaml generation relies on templating static k8s yaml files. The static files don't support k8s version specific resource definition and migration to newer versions....

**Describe the feature** Circuit breakers enable upstream and downstream services to gracefully recover from temporary errors. During the recovery phase of the affected service, additional requests will continue to fail...

Lucene supports ANN vector search since version 8.x. This can be a powerful and performant tool for users already familiar with lucena/solr. Ref: - -

# What is Aggregation or Faceting? Aggregations/Facets provides a statistics (unique terms, range, counts) along a column or tag data. Statistics such as min and max price range, available color/category/size...

Elasticsearch [index settings]( provide a lot of low level settings for tuning the index and query performance of an index. This is for advanced users and for the Jina NOW...