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Feature Request: Sync album art as Profile Picture
As a user, I want to sync the currently now playing song as my profile picture, so that my status and profile picture reflect the song I am listening to on slack.
In scope
- Use Get Track to retrieve the currently playing songs artwork from Spotify
- Set the slack profile picture, using users.setPhoto API provided by slack
- Allow a user to decide if they want their slack photo synced or not
- When a song is no longer playing, change the slack photo back to the original before it was changed.
hey @jesse-chelin, thanks for the idea. I never thought of this. I will look into it. At the moment the app is suffering due to Spotify's request throttling. They don't support batch requests and requesting the currently playing track for a couple thousand users gets rate limited. I believe the feature can be implemented without extra call to Spotify since artwork is returned with the current track. If you don't want to wait, pull requests are welcome