SpotMyStatus copied to clipboard
Slack App updating user's status with currently playing song from Spotify
Slack App updating user's status with currently playing song from Spotify
App Home page
Bugs, Feature Requests
Feel free to create a support ticket via home page or to add a ticket directly in the issue tracker
SpotMyStatus app commands
Following parameters can be passed to /spotme
command in Slack
- /spotme pause
- /spotme play
- /spotme purge #to remove user completely
- /spotme links #to see what your team is listening to
- /spotme help
SpotMyStatus customization
Customize your experience by running /spotme
command or by accessing app Home Tab
- User can pause/play status syncing
- User can choose to sync music and/or podcasts (default both)
- User can define emojis to rotate from when app sets a status. Emojis not present in the workspace will not be added (default 🎧, 🎵, 🎶)
- Uer can define working hours, or the hours during which syncing is active (default 8AM-7PM user's local time)
- User can define Spotify devices to sync from (default all)
- User can purge all their data from SpotMyStatus server
On each status update the status emoji is randomly picked from :headphones:
, :musical_note:
or :notes:
On each poll the application does various checks:
- has user paused status updates
- is it outside working hours
- is user offline
- has user manually changed their status(to avoid overwriting it)
If any of the above conditions are true, status is not updated.