Can crash ? Cpu is ARM SAMD and has 32KB of RAM ``` #include Tbb Timer; FlashStorage(Tim, Tbb); Timer =; typedef struct { byte L_on1_H; byte L_on1_M; byte L_of1_H;...
Write read 16 bit ? Not 8 bit as AVR. EEPROM.write(i, 100+i);
Status: Connecting to Status: Connection established, waiting for welcome message... Response: 220--- Welcome to FTP for Arduino --- Response: 220--- By Jean-Michel Gallego --- Response: 220 -- Version 2020-10-08...
Hi I have Pyton 3.6 32bit (My CPU is intel i7) NooElec RTL2832U & R820T RF key PothosGUI vc14-x64 (Cubic SDR work well) Zadig 2.3 (Bulk-in, Interface (Interface 0) ->...
Orange PI
Hi, I want to use an OrangePI light With ARMbian-ubuntu I have compilation errors. With ARMbian-debioan, compile, but no GPIO moves If I put on raspbian light, the serial console...
Arduino:1.7.8 (Windows 8.1), Scheda:"Arduino Uno" lin_processor.cpp: In static member function 'static void lin_processor::StateReadData::handleIsr()': lin_processor.cpp:555:67: error: no matching function for call to 'LinFrame::append_byte(uint8&)' ``` rx_frame_buffers[head_frame_buffer].append_byte(byte_buffer_); ^ ``` lin_processor.cpp:555:67: note: candidate is:...
Hi Nossiac Thank you for this. I have compiled, without your feeds, and everything works fine. Also image on device. When I add your feeds I have these errors. **This...
I'm trying to use your library but I can not. Parallel il9488 TFT and Mcufriend_kbv driver. M0 arm board. TFT.ino Mcufiend_kbv.h errors:
1) Not Compile. See abore errors. 2) Can I have one example of costructor, hardware serial and no reset connectet ? Arduino:1.7.11 (Windows 7), Scheda:"Arduino M0" D:\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ESP8266wifi-master\ESP8266wifi.cpp: In member function...