Jinhua Wang

Results 11 issues of Jinhua Wang

For learning purposes, I added `example.ipynb`, which is a Google Colab Notebook that works right out of the box. I have also included an example data file that addresses #59...

This is related to https://github.com/explosion/spaCy/discussions/8782 Currently spacy support the argument n_process, but it does not distribute the work to different GPUs. Suppose I have four GPUs on a machine, it...


#### Problem description It seems that the `get_latest_training_loss` function in `fasttext` returns only 0. Both gensim **4.1.0** and **4.0.0** do not work. ``` from gensim.models.callbacks import CallbackAny2Vec from pprint import...

#### Problem description It seems that when retrieving the most similar word vectors, sorting by word frequency will change the results in `Gensim`. #### Steps/code/corpus to reproduce Before sorting: from...

I am currently calling `.fit()` on the training dataset and `.transform()` on the out-of-sample dataset. There are about 4 million observations in the training data and 5 million observations in...

I am getting the following error on a machine with the new IceLake CPUs: ``` Start coordinator Sun 14 Nov 08:33:19 GMT 2021 43732 Start the application dmtcp_launch --rm --infiniband...

The following errors occurred when I try to invoke dmtcp: ``` /bin/bash: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.20' not found (required by /gpfs/fs1/home/a/ap248/ap248/dmtcp/lib/dmtcp/libdmtcp_batch-queue.so) /bin/bash: /lib64/libstdc++.so.6: version `CXXABI_1.3.9' not found (required by /gpfs/fs1/home/a/ap248/ap248/dmtcp/lib/dmtcp/libdmtcp_batch-queue.so) /bin/bash:...

Hello, I currently have a dataset that has 1246064 observations and 94 features. It is my understanding that the GP process would have to generate a kernel size of 1246064...


I was wondering if there is any implementation on calculating the average treatment effects for grf causal forests here? https://econml.azurewebsites.net/_autosummary/econml.grf.CausalIVForest.html

This app crashes on iOS 12.3.1.