
Results 9 comments of gintominto5329

There is not definite way of telling dark mode on gnu/linux, gnome does x, kde does y, others do z, what all could be implemented...

something like c++'s `constexpr`? I too, have many applications for this: - `class` constructor wrapper functions - in-`class` constructor's statements, following the `:` char In many cases, I need dependence...

Hello @lrhn, Im unable to understand, that in [the comment](, does `u8"str"` mean `utf8.encode("str")`, or `Uint8List.fromList("str".codeUnits)`, or some else, Thanks

Hello everyone, I think: 1. A new fixed length list type, named `Array`, like in Java, should be added 2. `List`'s `growable: false` parameter should be replaced, with `Array([0, 1,...

> CollectionType{elements} Please explain, `CollectionType{elements}` vs `CollectionType(elements)`, other than adding, newer and newer, complications to dart's syntax, I seek Peace, Thanks,

Regarding replacing - `Uint8List(3)`,with`Uint8List.filled(3, 0)`, and - `Uint8List.fromList([0, 1, 2])`,with`Uint8List([0, 1, 2])`, I understand the **cost/benefit ratio** argument, for a critical breaking change, but: - `Uint8List(3)` does not follow the...

From this [issue]( `Uint8List`s and `List`s), > I think the implementation of these classes should be changed so that this documentation is true This could be a good opportunity, to...

Hello everyone, The new syntax, being proposed here, is: - ` [0, 1, 2]` for growable list, same as current/present - [NEW] `final [0, 1, 2]` for non-growable/fixed-length list/array -...

I think [#1014](, is difficult to approve for dart team, as useless, in front of `[]`, then i think the only option we have is to change the default of...