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Official website and document for Gin

Results 73 website issues
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newest added has a "Documentation" link that directs to itself. It would make more sense to link it to either or

The testing example is only showing how to test the GET method, but there is not way to show how to do the POST and where can we send the...

Added some samples. Refer to

I need to create an endpoint in a group that returns me a list of the path of my application but I can't find the method that returns this information...

I'm relatively new to Gin, and so far I love the framework. My background is mostly based in PHP working with [Laravel](, and part of what makes Laravel so great...

Would you be willing to remove this Google Fonts from this website? There are better alternatives available Some reputable alternatives can be seen here: ![image]( But [Govendor]( project has been archived: ![image]( We should update the documentation accordingly:

See the result:


So, we could remove it, or use other instead.

the code in r.GET("/JSONP?callback=x", func(c *gin.Context) { data := map[string]interface{}{ "foo": "bar", } // callback 是 x // 将输出:x({\"foo\":\"bar\"}) c.JSONP(http.StatusOK, data) }) need to be: r.GET("/JSONP", func(c *gin.Context) {...