here is the error from crashlitics: > Fatal Exception: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'android.content.res.XmlResourceParser, java.lang.String)' on a null object reference at at at at...
Hi, I get this from Crashlitics: > Non-fatal Exception: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 1296258136 byte allocation with 6291456 free bytes and 510MB until OOM, max allowed footprint 8128976, growth...
Hi, I get this error in Crashlitics > Exception: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: length=2771273; regionStart=-1; regionLength=2771274 > at java.util.Arrays.checkOffsetAndCount( > at > at > at org.nustaq.serialization.FSTConfiguration.decodeFromStream( > at com.gilapps.smsshare2.theming.ThemesManager$ > at...
Platform Name Android Platform Version R CFAlertDialog Version 1.3.1 Integration Method |gradle Xcode Version | Android Studio 3.5.5 Repro rate all the time (100%) The background doesn't fill the whole...
Getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError when initilize on android: ``` ElsaSerializerBase.Deserializer deser = new ElsaSerializerBase.Deserializer() { @Override public Bitmap deserialize(DataInput in, ElsaStack objectStack) throws IOException { int bufferLength = in.readInt(); byte[] byteArray =...
Hi, As I understand I can only use this to load binary XML file. like the ones you have here: How did you create them? Is there any way...
"Oops, looks like there's no route on the client or the server for url: "http://localhost:3000/." it added to the bottom of every page in the project after updating meteor
Hi I'm trying to convert html to docx on android My dependencies definition (.gradle): ``` implementation 'javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api:2.3.1' implementation '' implementation 'com.fasterxml:aalto-xml:1.2.2' implementation('org.docx4j:docx4j-ImportXHTML:8.0.0'){ exclude module: 'commons-io' } ``` Code: ``` WordprocessingMLPackage...
I get this message "Could not find org.docx4j:docx4j-samples-resources:8.2.8" it seems that there is only org.docx4j:docx4j-samples-resources-local:8.2.8 OR org.docx4j:docx4j-samples-resources-remote:8.2.8
Hi, I am trying to connect a VST to upmix the music to 4 channels. When connecting to voice meter - when I press test.. all the channels get signals....