Mr Break;
Mr Break;
Thanks, Dude
I have the same issue with his setup. It does not work on a simulator. Help here is needed even if it's a patch.
I will test downgrading gradle plugin to see if it fixes the problem
React Native 0.73 comes by default with ndk = 25.1.8937393. To fix it, I had to drop the NDK to 23.1.7779620 Here is solution that worked for me ``` //...
@terrysahaidak I too had some issues with some weird dark borders showing when I added border-radius to the container of my Blurview Adding border color to the container of my...
I fixed it by not using this package but rather using `` and `textRef.current.setNativeProps` as explained here in the [docs]( Also, this package appears to be heavy just animating text,...
I switched to this one as patch-package became impractical. Taking too much time to create patches, sometimes it doesn’t. And to my experience it's like there's a limited number...