
Results 16 issues of Gilles

How do you replace lodash to sort an array of objects by object ('foo') key ('bar')? ``` _.sortBy(myarray, '') ```

Hi, I'm trying **elodie** for the first time and it puts all my photos (taken with an iPhone) in a `Unknown Location` folder like this: ``` /media/.../image/2018-iphone/2/IMG_2588.JPG -> /media/.../image/elodie/2018-07-Jul/Unknown Location/2018-07-21_08-23-31-img_2588.jpg...


How to remove the `no-options` `li` field below which is displayed when the search input box is editable: `Sorry, no matching options.`

feature request

What should be the size of the thumbnail ?

After a macos update, I'mgetting the error below : ``` ~/studio-web-ui-0.3.1 ❯ ./ 2022-07-24 22:43:14,368 [ERROR] [i.v.c.i.l.c.RunCommand]: Failed to deploy verticle studio.webui.MainVerticle java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: studio/webui/MainVerticle has been compiled by a more...

I made and installed a new package with the v0.3.0 on macos, it worked well and suddenly displayed `ERROR` on the screen. Since then, it's not working anymore : not...

Is there a way to check firmware version ?

I get "path not found" error but I'm sure the path is correct: ``` ~/myproject/pages/index$ ls ../../node_modules/octoparse/lib/platform/wechat/index.wxml ../../node_modules/octoparse/lib/platform/wechat/index.wxml ``` How can I fix it ? ``` VM77397:5 ./pages/index/index.wxml Path `../../node_modules/octoparse/lib/platform/wechat/index.wxml`...

支持本地图片吗? 比如说: `foobar`

How to use written-number with Nuxt3?