
Results 16 comments of Giles

looking at this a bit more I think it should be ``` if (parent.route && parent.route.length && (parent.route[0].split('?')[0] === m.getId() || (parent.route.length && m.getId() === '?') )) { ```

if an if element removed itself from the Dom would it put itself back in when its condition became true?

ah ok, thinking about it there must be a similar mechanism in place for the contents of if virtual elements

Just as you can substitute an alternative bindingProvider could it be made possible to substitute an alternative 'virtualElementsprovider' ?

I've been looking at this issue with react-resolver I've changed it to use js-csp channels rather than promises. I'm thinking promises, streams, observables &c are all convertible to channels yielding...

This is my branch using CSP - although it's a WIP currently it's equivalent to just using promises but next step is to allow the channels to 'keep on giving'...

Ah the cookie name is an option - however you'd need some way of letting the server know what cookie name you wanted then you could have multiple cookies coming...

I've tested it against images and it works with a server up to **version-8.6_p1-r3** then it starts failing after that.

Hi Thanks for your help i needed reboot

ah sorry I don't know I was just reffing that as where I found suggestion to reboot :)