
Results 16 comments of giladv

for me, the simplest solution is ``` js @connect(..) @someotherbrakingstuff... export default class MyComp extends Component{ ... } MyComp.routerWillRun = function(){ } ``` this solves the issue but is certainly...

just wanted to add that without this feature, for me, this great project is unusable. hopefully will be added soon

another use case: when having chunks, you would like to have control over where the loaded from. for instance on a micro FE architecture bundles are loaded remotely and those...

any news on this? my dev env is unusable without me changing anything

nothing works. - tried updating all packages to latest - removing yarn.lock for some reason styled-engine-sc is staying 5.8 while there's already a 5.10

FINALLY. for anyone having problem with this make [email protected] will not work with latest mui/system version. do everything you can to make yarn upgrade it. including messing with yarn.lock

hello, the bug was my fault. i misused the connect prop. my bad.

Also wanted to agree with the previous comment that supabase without transactions is borderline unusable. No app with basic relationships can be reliably ran this way.

@phryneas just wanted to add that this is not a good solution when using an auto generated RTK api file. manually adding queries in this use case is beating the...