Gijs Rogé

Results 27 comments of Gijs Rogé

You probably have `thumbImage: true` instead of `thumbImage: false`. If set to true it wil render the main image as thumbnail no matter what you put in data-thumb.

Hi, works fine for me. Example ->

You can minimize the flashing by using overflow hidden on the menu wrapper so the item's dont overflow through the other content on your website. And you can remove the...

Yes thats possible. Just read the data attribute with javascript and set it as the value for the "navDropdownLabel" option. html: `` js: `navDropdownLabel: document.querySelector('[data-dropdown-label]').dataset.dropdownLabel`

Not if you don't provide me with a demo where I can see this issue :)

Could you setup a codepen?

Mmh, looks interesting. I'll look into it once I start refactoring.

Please provide a demo showing this issue. Either by Codepen, jsfiddle, anything really.. :)

@vrockcm thanks but please read my previous reply. Thanks!

This is a bug, i'm just not sure yet if this is just a rendering issue with safari or if its something I can fix.