
Results 7 comments of gigital

I still get an error, but somewhat different? ``` * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':backend:run'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':backend:runtimeClasspath'. > Could not...

I tried issuing bot apiElements and runtimeElements, still no luck ``` * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':backend:compileKotlin'. > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':backend:compileClasspath'. >...

Looks like it's complaining about an attribute it didn't ask for so I removed it and it went through, code: ``` @CacheableRule abstract class TargetJvmVersionRule implements ComponentMetadataRule { @Inject abstract...

It seems to be related to the drag areas and/or drag elements. This example has the same behaviour: ![image]( Just click on a draggable element once and hit any...

I have this problem only with dndzones, i cannot remove tabindex behaviour like I do from other elements zoneTabIndex: -1 doesn't help. The example you show is easy to fix,...