Results 14 comments of gidhap

@Apollon77 I could give you access to my VRM portal, so you don't need hardware, hope this helps :)

@SimonBard I sent you an e-mail :)

no news so far on my side, else than I replaced my Victron stuff recently.

Same issue here, keen to see what happens

well doesn't this look right? Stir fry cooking creates steam, making bed creates dust. Both are deflecting the laser in the PM sensor, causing high redings...

I am struggling with the PM values. As soon as there is fog, same effect like your steam, the sensor doesn't show the real particles as it is cheated by...

Wollte mal höflich nachfragen ob es schon news zu dem Adapter gibt. Ich habe Ledvance Smart+ WiFi G95 100 E27 (1.521lm) Lampen. Die werden von der Tuya App erkannt, lassen...

@c1328 Danke für den Hinweis, hat mich leider nicht weitergebracht. Ich bekomme ja die Lampen weder in Tuya noch in die SmartLife App rein. Nur in die Ledvance. Und Tuya...

Hallo, Du kannst die Victron doch über den Modbus Adapter anbinden, was Du glaube ich mittlerweile gemacht hast ;) , oder ?