Georg Icking-Konert

Results 32 comments of Georg Icking-Konert

as a short-term option consider changing the option bytes via upload tool, e.g. stm8flash or stm8gal. For the latter see [here](

sorry to re-open this issue! But what is the general procedure to add support for a STM8 variant other than STM8S or STM8A. SDCC patches for all available SPLs (including...

To get STM8 debugging via STLink to work under Ubuntu 22.04, I had to perform the below 2 steps: 1. install missing --> sudo apt-get install libpython2.7 2. create...

hi Bruno, actually the patches are against different SPL downloads, namely [STM8S/A](, [STM8L10x](, [STM8L15x-16x-05x-AL31-L](, and [STM8TL5x]( As the of the devices differs quite significantly, e.g. DMA or ADC, and also...

I have trouble using your perl script on the STM8L10x SPL :-( Specifically: - in the script I replaced all "stm8s" to stm8l10x" to match the file prefixes - running...

hi anklimov, I am having a similar problem for implementing an efficient LIN slave. Would be great if the team merged this (for all Serials)! Georg

overwriting the UART ISRs seems to be a common wish as a similar proposal was already made in 2017 (see [](, and recently by me (see []( And at least...

hi anklimov, actually I am hoping that the Due team is just overwhelmed with other tasks - after all the ARM-based Arduinos are still young, compared to the AVR 8-bitters......

I give up. There is simply no point in contributing to Due core libraries if there is no response within >1 year - or in your example even 5 years!...

seriously? It takes 16 months to automatically send a legal form...???