Hi, I have a similar problem. I noticed that the library work perfectly with Arduino Uno or Nano (atm328P CPU) but has some strange problem on Arduino ProMini (168 CPU):...
Since I noticed that the module works perfectly simple starting the softwareserial at 9600 bauds, is there a system to omit all the part of "autosensing" the baud rate and...
unfortunately not... as I said, it usually stucks at blockuntilready. It rarely goes after, but no function actually works... I tried to enable DEBUG, but probably I don't know how...
Yes. It doesn't go further blockUntilReady.:(
I thought something like that... but, I realized that, in that case, It won't work neither with the simple SoftwareSerial.h routine. It instead works like a charm that way, perfectly...
Anyway, how to activate debug mode?