Giang Le
Giang Le
Hi, In my country, there are domains like beside How can I lock for those domains? and Thanks!
Hi, I am trying with simple delete post like this, but the batch keep running even reach 100%... Please check that...! public function setup() { $posts = get_posts( array( 'numberposts'...
Love the idea of this games. I have some questions! What is the lives used for? How you desgin the level (find 2,3 same shape or...)? Br,
Hi, I got this isssue and can not solve it (keep showing this message) Warning: filemtime(): stat failed for E:\xampp\htdocs\demowp\wp-content\plugins\WP-Query-Console-master/build/admin.js in E:\xampp\htdocs\demowp\wp-content\plugins\WP-Query-Console-master\wp-query-console.php on line 212 Line 212. ``` wp_register_script( 'wqc-script',...