Gianfilippo Coppola

Results 14 issues of Gianfilippo Coppola

Hi, I am pre-training your model and would like to have the perplexity plot/values in your pre-training stage, if possible, to see how I am doing. If the pre-training perplexity...

Hi, I am trying to run neusomatic in ensemble mode, but got stuck after the step and at the " --mode train" step. I get the following error Error:...

### Description of bug Hi, I am trying to run coronaSPAdes on a sample we are interested in. Initially I had only Illumina single-end reads available. The original FASTQ was...

Hi, does the data.scale function process raw counts or normalized data ? Thanks

### Description of the bug Hi, I am unable to load sentieon dnascope model using the command below. The SENTIEONDNASCOPEMODEL points to to location of the Sentieon model $PATH/DNAscopeIlluminaWES2.0.bundle/dnascope.model I...


Hi, I am seeing exclusion of low-mito cells in my analysis and I realized that the RunMiQC does not seem to account for this. Best

Hi, in trying to reinstall DROP, I foud it to 'interact' with the local R packages. This resulted in an error at line 35 in installRPackages.R at (dry-)run time. Here...


Hi, I tried to test both Signac or SignacFast on the pbmc test data, following line by line the example, but after well over 10 mins, it is still showing....

Hi, I am trying to understand the how to properly choose fix the T parameter, which I understand is the min threshold for the O22 value (i.e. observed count of...

### Description of the bug Hi, I am getting the following error. Can you please help ? Thanks -[nf-core/rnavar] Pipeline completed with errors- Error executing process > 'NFCORE_RNAVAR:RNAVAR:SPLITNCIGAR:GATK4_SPLITNCIGARREADS (CCA002MV_17scattered)' Caused...
