i make phishing page of any page contact me telegram @ghoxt007
i can setup evilginx2 for you, and theres a working o365 phishlets captures token, useremail and password. meet me on telegram @ghoxt007
Got working phishlets for o365 captures cookies, telegram me @ghoxt007
working O365 phishlets captures cookies telegram me @ghoxt007
i can setup evilginx for u, and make phishlets working o365 phishlet, telegram me @ghoxt007
Telegram me for working Facebook phishlet @ghoxt007
I can make any phishlet and set evilginx up test before paying telegram me @ghoxt007
message me on telegram @ghoxt007 i will set up evilginx for u, and theres a working O365 phishlet
I got the same issue too
i can set up evilginx and i have working phishlets telegram me @ghoxt007