Guillaume Hivert

Results 34 issues of Guillaume Hivert

Hi! Thanks for the package, it's really cool. I just have an issue: I'm using Fira Code as my default font, but the ligatures don't render with Solidity files. That's...

help wanted

Hello ! I'm trying to use elm-rails to render elm on a rails server using turbolinks. However, turbolinks badly handle elm-embed tags. On first load, the javascript is correctly loaded,...

## Issue Hi and thanks for the awesome libs! I updated recently, and encountered a bug on Android: when hot-reloading the codebase and using the Firestore emulator, I got an...

Impact: Bug
Help: Needs Triage
Workflow: Needs Review

Hi ! When using evancz/url-parser, grove break at installation. Here's the error: ``` Checking out: evancz/url-parser (2.0.1) ERROR: Unable to read: elm-package.json location: /var/folders/29/t_wnc0p501vg6whgqdmwhnmc0000gn/T/evancz/url-parser/elm-package.json Error: SystemError NoSuchFileOrDirectory { message =...

Hi! I’m trying to setup a new project using Webpack and purs-loader, but I can’t get HMR to work. Is there anything specific to do unless activating HMR into webpack-dev-server?...

Hi, and thanks for your work! I'm not a huge fan of braille, but more of blocks (like this █). Do you think it could be added in code-minimap as...

good first issue

Hi. I'm often using something like ```elm pushIn : List a -> a -> List a pushIn list elem = elem :: list ``` to use it into pipelines ```elm...

I think we should be able to access `calc` in `SizeUnit`. It is as much legit than any other thing, and avoid costly computation in JS when wanting to compute...

[The `lazy` function]( doesn't work like it should. Today it adds a div between the function body and the parent container. Let's take an example. ```elm -- Counter.elm module Counter...

Block does not contain `overflow`. That's weird because it contains `overflowHidden`.