Hi, I have noticed a behaviour that I did not expect, but that very well be the intended behaviour - or it is a bug. I cannot tell. When I...
Hi, I would like to take advantage of the mouse-clicks that are available now and would like to make a clickable block that behaves differently if clicked on the right...
Hi, this is my test-config: ``` separator_block_width=15 markup=pango separator=false [shell] command=echo shell interval=60 [perl] command=perl -e 'print "perl"' interval=60 [python2] command=python2 -c 'print("python2")' interval=60 [python3] command=python3 -c 'print("python3")' interval=60 ```...
I would like to understand what configuration directives actually do. In "Creating your first window" the directive :reserve (struts :distance "40px" :side "top") is used and while the ":reserve"-keyword is...
Hi, on my Motorola G6 play I have a problem running api-scripts (e.g. termux-toast, termux-clipboard-get etc) from within the Debian-environment. I currently have the following mounts in the start-script: -b...
Hi, this is a little strange behaviour when adding tasks with priorities: dstask add P1 P2 this is not accepted but could conceivably be a task named "P2" with priority...
Hi, I just tried to run the arm-binary on my phone in termux and it seems to work. I can add tasks, however I cannot view them as all I...
Hi, I just discovered this project and believe it has great potential. However I only dabbled a little bit in taskwarrior and so (as maybe other newcomers) are not so...
Hi, this is just a minor annoyance, but I (NOT coming from taskwarrior) find the terminology used a little bit confusing. You enter a task. Then you "start" it. But...
Hi, when running dstask for the very first time it should ensure that git is usable. This means: - it should bail out (with an appropriate error message) should there...