I would go for the format which can be used with closures and I would use Groovy string in order to support variable replacement. -> implementation("org.apache.commons:commons-lang3:$commonLangVersion") Gradle (understand Groovy) is...
@rsmckinney Did you use the same JVM as me? Here you are for the demo project -> Just launch the main.
Would be also interested by this :). Is there anyway to achieve this using the internal GitlabApiClient in the mean time?
Hellow in the mean time I found out what to do by reverse engineering the task! I had to do the gitsubmodule init Configure input files properly Move the generated...
Just for the record we would also appreciate such a feature. Indeed, part of our users donโt want or donโt have access to gitlab so they put comments on confluence...
@pavolloffay any idea when KafkaTemplate will be supported?
I tried opening the source code but quickly run into two issues: - invalid signature of dependencies when importing the doc project - Unit tests that are stuck after execution...
So the signature issue vanished, don't know why sorry :(. Two other errors: **For the doc:** > Task :docsbuild:buildDocs FAILED bin/hugo: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")") **For the...
@klg71 I have created a fork of the project and did the following: - Update to not use jcenter anymore - Update koin to use new version - Update Gradle...
@klg71 I have replaced com.nhaarman.mockitokotlin2 by org.mockito.kotlin:mockito-kotlin which seems to be more standard :). I am trying to fix this final class mocking stuff atm.