
Results 11 comments of ghdoergeloh

This would be great for CI if you want to build the packages, run some other tests and only if they succeed deploy the packages. I currently have an aws...

Another related (old) feature request #2527

So as far as I can see, the most simple solution would be, to only make this line optional (something like "--no-publish" wich would sound a bit confusing: `lerna...

By the way: it is working with `MyTest.prototype`.

Thanks for your support, @fatso83 . For now I have a different workaround. The method you mentioned should not be used, as said in the docs: > Sinon.JS has a...

Sorry, I totally misunderstood the sentence at the top of that page. (translation problems)

I would also love to have this option. An additional bug to have a look at would be the parallel run of `npm install`. `✔ npm install in each project...

This is exactly what I was looking for. I implemented this behavior but it was a bit hacky without having the [`defaultError`]( in the failAction method. This implementation is TS...

I have the same issue. At first I extended this class (we wanted to have the names in plural) and added the class to my project. everything worked fine. But...

I am using nyc to merge the jest results collected in `.nyc_output` using `nyc merge .nyc_output coverage/coverage-final.json` The `coverage/coverage-final.json` looks good and contains the `*.mts` files. But running the reporter...