Ghafour Alipour
Ghafour Alipour
In Ros2djs it is not impleneted, but you can implement that like this function, I implemented and it is working properly: ```js function displayLaserScan() { let marker_radius = 0.03; let...
Hi, the getYawFromQuat is: ``` function getYawFromQuat(q) { var quat = new Three.Quaternion(q.x, q.y, q.z, q.w); var yaw = new Three.Euler().setFromQuaternion(quat); return yaw["_z"] * (180 / Math.PI); } ``` and...
The result may be like this image: 
you can change poses_2d's flatmap in the code and replace poses_2d.forEach with for statement.
I change the display laserscan() function to show half of points: ``` function displayLaserScan(ros) { // console.log('start laser scan'); let topic = ROS_CONFIG.LASER_TOPIC ;//"/sick_safetyscanners/scan"; let marker_radius = 0.03; let marker_fill_color...
You must check the /front/scan or /scan, in the code we have: tf_client.subscribe("/front/scan", function(tf) { //Maybe /scan in your project base_footprint_tf = tf; }); if do not receive anything from...