
Results 25 comments of Nevermore

> I met with some problems when add your proposed imitation loss to faster rcnn with fpn, I assign gt in this way: one a certain level, for a gt...

I try to use res50 based FPN to teach res18 based FPN, but the mAP is not so good. Is that normal?

Hi, Is there any new progress on this result? The ViP_s7 got the 85.16 ImageNet top-1 or Real top-1?

如果要用KD的话,应该是 ```python tools/```

感谢@ruiningTang 的回复,因为我在mmcv/runner 下面加了个 所以直接pip install mmcv是没有我自己加的那个.py的 所以会import error。是我没写清楚“从source编译的含义”,就是clone下来之后把runner_kd.py放进去一起编译就行了。

用```python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8 tools/```这个代码训练也会报这个错吗



Sorry, I can't find the training logs now. I think the loss weight (λ) should be 4 and 16 for the foreground and background, and I use KD for backbone...
