
Results 10 issues of Ggicci

Should cleanup stale items to release the storage usage of the database.


any suggestions?


Errors occurred [here]( can be posted to clients [here]( Which is ambiguous.


Since I've found a way to [embed go playground on static websites]( One enhancement can be done to the httpin docs is to add sample code with go playground to...


I'm planing to publish the first stable release of this program. If any of you were using this library in your production environment, please feel free to leave a comment...

help wanted

Though **httpin** had provided an easy way to [add your custom directive]( If httpin can provide some common used directives, it would be helpful. e.g. - [ ] to_lower -...

help wanted
new feature

[ggicci/httpin]( helps decoding an HTTP request to a custom struct by binding data with querystring (query params), HTTP headers, form data, JSON/XML payloads, URL path params, and file uploads (multipart/form-data).

- [x] [net/http]( - [x] [go-chi/chi]( - [x] [gorilla/mux]( - [x] [gin-gonic/gin]( - [x] [go-restful](, by #23 - [ ] add more here...

help wanted
new feature

I'm planing to publish the first **stable** release of this program. If any of you were using this plugin in your production environment, please feel free to leave a comment...

help wanted