What about with ```-```tw-mx-4 (with minus) ? How do I include these classes in regex as well? **UPDATE**: ``` classNameRegExp: '((hover|focus|active|disabled|visited|first|last|odd|even|group-hover|focus-within|xs|sm|md|lg|xl)[\\\\]*:)*(|-)tw-[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*([\\\\]*\/[0-9]*)?', ignorePrefixRegExp: '((hover|focus|active|disabled|visited|first|last|odd|even|group-hover|focus-within|xs|sm|md||lg|xl)[\\\\]*:)*', ```
Open the directory with the project Find the **package.json** file Replace the line `"start": "next start",` To the line `"start": "next start -p 1234",` where 1234 is the port you...
Any news? I tried [mangle-css-class-webpack-plugin](, but it doesn't work for me