Geoffrey Gaillard
Geoffrey Gaillard
Shadow server will print on which interface and port it’s listening to: ``` shadow-cljs watch :app shadow-cljs - starting via "clojure" shadow-cljs - server version: 2.18.0 running at http://localhost:9630 ```...
Cljs macroexpansion needs to sequence test steps using a continuation passing style (we cannot block on a js runtime) Current rewriting does not sequence steps correctly, the problem is exhibited...
```clojure (ns foo (:require [hyperfiddle.rcf :refer [tests]])) (tests (inc nil) thrown? NullPointerException) ``` Compiler warning: ``` Use of undeclared Var foo/thrown? ``` `thrown?` is defined by `t/assert-expr`, it should not...
`clojure.test/deftest` expends to `def`. It is named. When `tests` expands to `clojure.test/deftest`, a unique name is generated (based on the line number). If you move a `tests` block and re-evaluate...
In Clojure, setting `*generate-tests*` to `true` will cause RCF to emit `clojure.test/deftest` forms. `deftest` always return nil. In RCF, it should return the last LHS of body. ```clojure (alter-var-root #'hyperfiddle.rcf/*generate-tests*...
This warning shows up when `*warn-on-reflection*` is set to true. It comes from `amb`: ```clojure (defmacro ^{:arglists '([& forms]) :doc "In an `ap` block, evaluates each form sequentially and returns...
Reported by @didibus A minimal repro is welcome