Gabriel Gecy
Gabriel Gecy
- OS: MacOS 12.4 - Programming Language version: typescript 3.9.2 - CCXT version: 1.91.66 Calling fetchBalance() on poloniex exchange doesn't work anymore - the structure of the poloniex rest call...
### Description of the bug We have a maven multimodule project where js/ts files from different maven modules end up in `target/flow-frontend` directory. Once the server is started for the...
Hello, I have the following variable defined (and computed later on): ``` let className: string | null = null ``` and then used in a template ``` result = render(html`${model.item.values[columnIndex]}`,...
### Description of the bug / feature When business logic, which runs in background in separate thread from request-response thread, tries to modify the UI calling ui.access(command) method and the...
### Description of the bug It is not so uncommon to have multiple datasources defined in spring boot application and by extension multiple entity managers which will cause the `com.vaadin.hilla.crud.JpaFilterConverter`...
### Description of the bug I have a vaadin flow component exported through WebComponentExporter and embedded in another page. When I e.g. let the laptop sleep for longer than session...
### Describe the bug In Jenkins builds we have explicitly specified maven repository path via `-Dmaven.repo.local=../mvnRepository` mvn parameter, so each pipeline has its own local maven repo. If vaadin maven...
A call to Promise.race() in Exchange.watchMultiple() create a memory leak when watching for trades
### Operating System MacOS 14.6.1 ### Programming Languages JavaScript/Typescript ### CCXT Version 4.4.17 ### Description I am trying to use `binance` ccxt pro exchange where I split all the binane...