> I had hoped to implement something that generated the data that all accelerometers could access. But that can hopefully still be done with this, just will need some changes...
> I found only one relevant issue. The S-IVB class also needs to generate the intertial data. And then it needs the same code for the IULV_GET_INERTIAL_ACCEL message that you...
Hi all, I have reformatted the code according to Thymo's request. Per your discussion I haven't touched the saving-loading functionality of InertialData object.
Ok, I see now the problem. I think Orbitersim uses some constraint forces to compensate the slightly differing gravitational acceleration of the connected vessels. I think the easiest thing would...
Merging this PR: should have solved the issue. I tested it even during Apollo 9's docked DPS burn, and as the acceleration comes from nearly in -X direction (from...