Goran Flegar
Goran Flegar
@upsj and I discussed a bit today about Ginkgo's _lend_ semantics. The problem we currently have is that `lend` has to be spammed everywhere. For example: ```c++ y = mtx::create(...);...
The problem ----------------- It almost never makes sense to pass a null pointer to one of Ginkgo's methods. There's usually no way to continue and the best we can do...
Ginkgo is supposed to be designed to work with user-provided datatypes. However, due to the use of external libraries (cuBLAS and cuSPARSE), which do not have support for this, it...
Currently, we're dropping all the errors that happen in the benchmarks. The `run_all_benchmarks.sh` script redirects all the `stderr` output from benchmark runners to `stdout`, and the `stdout` of `run_all_benchmarks.sh` is...
Introduction ---------------- This is an issue to discuss how eigensolvers could be added to Ginkgo. In general, eigensolvers compute an [eigendecomposition](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eigendecomposition_of_a_matrix) **A Q = Q Λ** (or equivalently **A =...
Sometimes it is beneficial to have a method that computes the norm of a matrix (or liner operator). (Currently we only have a function which computes the column-wise dot product...
A possible optimization that would help optimize Ginkgo's copies and memory usage in general, would be to implement [copy on write](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copy-on-write) for `gko::Array`. Basically, whenever a copy of an array...
Just found this site from GitHub that talks about different aspects of open source: https://opensource.guide/ We may want to use the advice presented there to improve the overall community experience...
Just found out about [OSF](https://osf.io/). It is a framework that seems to aim at aiding reproducibility in science in general. Founded by the [Center for Open Science](https://cos.io/). Not sure what...
The Problem ----------------- After already reviewing a couple of other implementations of Krylov solvers, today I looked into the TFQMR pull request (#23). After taking a closer look, I realized...