I have the same problem for Android, I could not fixed it There is an example here on how to add the proguard.cfg [Stackoverflow proguard]( You need to change the...
Hello guys I managed to make it work but on another project. As the exception says **Trying to create a platform view of unregistered type: flutter_zoom_plugin** there is a problem...
Solved it with a new flutter project, the GeneratedPluginRegistrant is different and the meeting_screen.dart works. I gotta say that the original problem was for Android, the iOS example always worked...
I have 1.17.2 (Stable for [Windows](
Hey @JAGANPS, you shouldn't be facing this problem ``` this.meetingOptions = new ZoomMeetingOptions( userId: 'example', meetingId: meetingId, meetingPassword: meetingPassword, disableDialIn: "true", disableDrive: "true", disableInvite: "true", disableShare: "true", noAudio: "false", noDisconnectAudio:...
@JAGANPS You can't call that from Flutter because that is java code `java.lang.String email`. You need to extend the class []( Here is the Zoom Doc: [InMeetingServiceListener]( The changes will...