> Try to use 15.6 dmg I have tried to use the 15.6 image, but after testing, still can't connect the device for debugging.
> > > you can download Xcode 13.4.1 copy iOS 15.7 to Xcode 14, restart Xcode 14 and all will be worked. After coped, delete Xcode 13.4.1. Or find iOS...
You can do this by delegate the method `func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldSelect asset: PHAsset, at indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool` to achieve this. Look like this: ```Swift func assetsPicker(controller: AssetsPickerViewController, shouldSelect...
Hi, can you provide the crash stack information?
Thank you for the information, I will try to reproduce and see if I can fix this issue.
> Same crash here with Xcode 12.2 and library v2.9.7 Hi, please check `self.defaultAlbum` and `self.cameraRollAlbum` are both empty data?
@Ava8 @DavidBoyes @Ashu @rad182 @zongziyao @eytanschulman @DragonCherry Hi guys, I have optimized accordingly for this issue, for more details please see : [pull request #86]( [pull request #85]( [pull request...
好的,我会将已经适配的代码传到一个新的分支 @Danie1s
嗨,我已经提交的新的分支请求了,目前还是存在部分问题,我会尽快修复 @Danie1s