pbmm2 (a port of minimap2) supports PacBio BAM files.
Perhaps. PacBio BAM files however contain additional tags with info on each read, which are lost in the process of converting to fastq.
I just confirmed by extracting the zmw hole #'s from each, and they are identical. So that can't be the reason. And no fastq file was created.
Sure. Do you have a dropbox? Or e-mail address and I can send a link.
I am using r0.3.1 docker and I downloaded model from the link in the quick start: gsutil cp -r gs://brain-genomics-public/research/deepconsensus/models/v0.3/model_checkpoint/* Is that not correct? Thanks.
Sure, here is the command: ``` singularity run -W /data -B /scratch/projects/lab/bin/deepconsensus/model:/model -B `pwd` /scratch/bin/deepconsensus/deepconsensus_0.3.1.sif deepconsensus run --batch_size=1024 --batch_zmws=100 --cpus 8 --max_passes 100 --subreads_to_ccs=subreads_to_ccs.bam --ccs_bam=ccs.bam --checkpoint=/model/checkpoint --output=output.deepconsensus.fastq ```
However, I checked and that downloads the same files I already have. What else could be the issue?
I'm still getting the same error. Maybe your docker deepconsensus_0.3.1 is the problem and has the wrong version of deepconsensus packaged inside? Can you double check using your docker? If...
Ok thanks. Is there any possibility to train a model for higher max_passes?
Also, now I'm getting a different error: ``` ================================================================= Total params: 8,942,667 Trainable params: 8,942,667 Non-trainable params: 0 _________________________________________________________________ I0802 23:05:13.125668 22923163895616] Setting hidden size to transformer_input_size. I0802 23:05:13.125833...