Gennadii Aleksandrov
Gennadii Aleksandrov
I had something similar, the deploy time was not hour but still 5 minutes for a simple change or so, and during Refreshing state CPU usage of terraform-awscc-provider went up...
I can now see the same behaviour when refreshing state of `awscc_connect_phone_number`
Also noticed that after Terraform showed this: `Plan: 1 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.` it didn't release the console input back and CPU utilisation was still 150%....
Have the same issue with provider version 0.29.0. Makes the provider unusable for me.
Ok, the workaround is to use [`aws_cloudcontrolapi_resource`]( resource with `type_name = "AWS::Lex::Bot"`. There's a caveat though, if you have an error in slot types for example, the language is not...
Init takes 5 minutes in our setup, that's quite frustrating :( Terraform 0.13.3