We were looking for a "admin/control" stack to automate and make it easy for end-users and the full-stak-fastapi is perfect. But unfortunately our team have access to AKS/GKE (and no...
Currently, while parsing an email (.msg), the Email Analyser parses the body is a simple manner. So all the HTML formatting in the email is lost ``` | Company |...
rsyslog7 is the default package in Redhat6.x and 7 which is being used extensively in Corporate systems. Any chance to have rsyslog7 packaged in similar fashion?
First of all, Lulu is a great product and thanks for all your hard work. I'm finding it struggling to find a baseline list of "blocklist" and rules (ips, ports,...
**Describe the feature:** The default languages of Kibana does not have aggregation and on-the-fly transformation of dataset, but Microsoft Products like Sentinel have enabled it using Kusto Query Language (confusingly...
**Describe the bug** We tried to install shuffle in lab environment. The backend/frontend/orborus have all started, except opensearch **To Reproduce** ```yaml opensearch: image: opensearchproject/opensearch:1.2.1 hostname: shuffle-opensearch container_name: shuffle-opensearch .. ```...
hi Getting Errors while running the script as follows ``` # -p -q -e -f -r -t -z -i ./devices/ciscoasa/v20_ciscoasamsg.xml conversion for devices/ciscoasa/v20_ciscoasamsg.xml Traceback (most recent call last): File...
Our scenario is - Systems are all Linux - Our Ansible hosting server, we don't have root access nor shared user. Say I use "**john_server**" as user on ansible hosted...
### Description ESQL needs ability to join with other set of data at search-time So the functionalites similar to [join command]( in Splunk But better to follow the standards of...