Gethin Oakes
Gethin Oakes
@juloko did you figure out a fix for this?
@juloko Sorry for the late reply, I figured it out was because the server had restarted. Do you know if there's a way to check the session status or how...
Just registering my interest for this too, thanks.
How's the progress on this? This library is perfect for an app I'm working on :) Is it possible to get a copy without the two features that are left...
I had the same issue, it's because code is not set up to run from the command line / isn't in your path. From here: > You can also...
@stephenway I'm using PostCSS and Gulp, ``` javascript require('mdcss')({ title: 'StyleGuide', logo: 'logo.png', examples: { css: ['../app/styles/style.css'] }, assets: ['styleguide_assets/styleguide_logo.png', 'fonts'], destination: '../StyleGuide', theme: require('avalanchesass_mdcss_theme') }) ```
Sure, ``` javascript gulp.task('sass', function () { //compile sass return gulp.src(sassFiles) .pipe($.sass().on('error', $.sass.logError)) .pipe(postcss(processors, {syntax: scss})) // .pipe(cssnano({discardUnused: {fontFace: false}})) .pipe(gulp.dest(appFolder)); }); ``` mdcss is part of the postcss 'processors'...
Ok hah hopefully this is everything? `sassFiles = srcFolder + '**/*.scss'` ``` javascript processors = [ autoprefixer({browsers: ['last 1 version', 'ie > 11', 'Safari > 7']}), rucksack(), require('mdcss')({ title: 'StyleGuide',...
I'm doing pretty much the same as @Yannicvanveen, I have different folders for different parts of my css which are all imported into style.scss. There are two problems - 1....
I've been investigating mdcss. The problem is that one it takes all the documentation comments from one stylesheet and then makes the whole styleguide index.html file from that. So then...