
Results 9 issues of kathryn

Everything else installed fine until I ran python ALPR.py and received the fatal _ImportError: No module named 'Tkinter'_ This seems to be an endemic issue in Python. Tried spinning up...

I have Darflow and your Jupyter notebook working great together. Thanks for this great resource! I am working off an old Macbook Air with limited CPU/GPU so it trains very...

Am I correct in thinking that Camera2 2 allows the user view a wide angle and Camera2 0 zoom? ![cam](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/9941190/69984121-3bb8e880-14ed-11ea-8afe-06d9bc22e4d2.png) How do I set the default to **Camera2 0** (zoom)...

After setting in app.js facing mode = environment `var constraints = { video: { facingMode: "environment" }, audio: false };` the camera activates my phone's back camera but flips the...

Uncaught ReferenceError: wcSendVideoCanvas is not defined at loadWebcam (init_screen.js:29) at initScreen (init_screen.js:39) at main.js:4 Browser just shows Object Detection On the Cloud Demo! and nothing else

Please add a localhost connection example i.e. connecting to Elasticsearch locally localhost:9200 What /where here: ``` ```

Terminal reports for each video that "could not find options button". Script needs to be changed to reflect Youtube's new UI changes

Where is the scan.py file referenced in the article?